How Lancashire are you?

Test your knowledge with these typical Lancastrian words and expressions

Q1. If someone tells you to ‘use yer loaf’, what are they telling you to do?

Q2. What does the word ‘yonder’ mean?

Q3. If a Lancastrian calls you a ‘barmpot’, what do they mean?

Q4. What’s the weather like in Lancashire if it’s ‘cracking flags’?

Q5. If you’re told to ‘Stop yer mytherin', what should you do?

Q6. What’s a ‘chuddy’?

Q7. What are you doing if you’re ‘belming’?

Q8. If someone tells you to ‘Put wood int’ ole’, what should you do?

Q9. What are you doing if you’re ‘skennin’?

Q10. Finally, where are you if you’re walking down a ginnel?

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