Test your knowledge of Happy Valley

Think you’re as sharp as Catherine Cawood? Test your knowledge of Happy Valley with our ten-question quiz

Q1. What was villain Tommy Lee Royce originally in prison for in series one?

Q2.Can you name the actress who plays no-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood?

Q3. How many episodes of Happy Valley will there be in total after series three ends?

Q4. At the beginning of season three, what does Catherine find in a drained reservoir?

Q5. In season one, who do Lewis Whippey and Royce kidnap?

Q6. How many months after season one does season two take place?

Q7. What does Catherine win an award for in the second season?

Q8. In the season one finale, what does Catherine spot outside the boat to locate her grandson who has been kidnapped by Royce? His...

Q9. Who turns out to be the murderer of Vicky Fleming in season two?

Q10. She poses as a teaching assistant but what is Frances Drummond's real profession in season two?

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