Take our Burns Night Quiz

Test your knowledge of Scotland's most famous bard in this quick ten-question quiz.

Q1. Where in Scotland was Robert Burns born?

Q2. What delicacy did Burns refer to as the “great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race”?

Q3. What informal unit of measurement is used to mean a small amount of whisky?

Q4. What was Robert Burns' job, aside from a poet?

Q5. A Burns supper traditionally starts with a soup course - the choice being Cullen Skink - which is a thick Scottish soup made from which fish?

Cullen Skink

Q6. Which flower was mentioned in Burns’ most famous love lament?

Q7. Burns was the first person to appear on which famous soft drink brand?

Q8. In his poem ‘To a Louse’, where was the louse crawling?

Q9. What age was Burns when he wrote his first poem?

Q10. Where was the first official Burns supper held?

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