Can you pass this maths quiz?

This will certainly test your knowledge so feel free to grab your pen and paper but remember, no Googling!

1) If one=3, two=3, three=5, four=4, and five=4, what would six=?

2) What number should come next in this series? 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27

3) How many feet are in a mile?

4) Which numbers have the same answer whether they are added or multiplied together?

5) Which is the smallest number?

6) Solve for x: 2x - y = (¾)x + 6

7) Rice weighing 33/4 pounds was divided equally and placed in four containers. How many ounces of rice were in each?

8. What is the radius of a circle that has a circumference of 3.14 metres?

9) Three people in a room tell lies for ⅓ of their time. A coin flip is conducted with the three of them and all of them say it is heads. What is the probability that the coin actually has the head face up?

10) What is the value of Pi to four individual decimal places?

11) What is the name of a triangle that has two sides of the same length?

12) A car is travelling at 75km per hour. How many metres is the car travelling in one minute?

13) What is the rounded off value of 6,488 cakes to the nearest 100 cakes?

14) Sarah read a novel in 20 days. She made it a habit to read 16 pages a day for the first 15 days. She then read 18 pages a day for the last five days. How many pages was the book?

15) How many vertices are present on a cube?

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